President’s Exhibit

The President’s Exhibit was a Special Exhibit on Display in 2022. It features art works by artist David Ngirailemesang. This exhibit focused on his portraits of the former Presidents of Palau. A gallery of his works can be found below, followed by brief bios of each President that accompanied each art piece.


Born in Palau, David Ngirailemesang graduated from Maris Stella Elementary School in 1990 and in 1994 graduated from Mindszenty High School. After graduating from MRS in 1994, he studied at Palau Community College for two years. In 1996, he joined the art program at Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, MO and in 2002 earned his BFA degree in Painting/Drawing. In 2002,he was selected as the top incoming graduate students and was awarded the University of Washington School of Art (Recruitment) Scholarship. Dave received his Master of Fine Arts Degree in Painting/Drawing at the UW in 2004. During his graduate study, Dave was also awarded the GOMAP Minority Achievement Award for his studies of the Oceanic People. Mars Scholarship for the Arts (UW) and Palau National Merit Scholarship. He taught three courses: Beginning Drawing, Beginning Figure Drawing and Beginning Painting during his study at UW. Dave was an Assistant Professor at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas where he taught Drawing I, Figure Drawing, Expressive Drawing and Beginning Painting.He also taught Figure Drawing and Painting at Interlochen Center for the Arts in Interlochen, Michigan for high school summer camp.

He returned home to Palau in 2010 and started teaching Art and Drawing at Mindszenty High School for three years. He moved to Palau Community College for a short time and returned to Mindszenty High School from 2016 until his untimely passing in February 2020.


January 1981 to 1984 January 1984 to June 1985

Family: Haruo Ignacio Remeliik, Palau’s first elected president was born on June 1, 1934. President Remeliik was married to Regina Blailes Remeliik.  They had seven children namely      Eleanor, Arthur, Patrick, Mark, Patricia, Gloria and MaryLois.

Education:  Mr. Remeliik attended Mindszenty School in Koror, Xavier High School in Chuuk and did college studies at the      University of Hawaii.

Career:  He had extensive paralegal experience as Assistant Clerk of Courts (1956-57, 1959-63), Clerk of Courts (1963-69), and as Associate Judge of the Palau District Court (1969-1971). From the court he was promoted to the positon of Deputy District Administrator where he served for nearly a decade. Mr. Remeliik spent three months in Canada on a United Nations Fellowship and visited Australia in 1974 as a guest of that government.  In 1976 he toured the United States as a member of the U.S. Department of State Leadership Program.  The years of 1978 and 1979, were the most creative and active of his career in government service.  He had the privilege of serving as President of Palau’s 1979 Constitutional Convention.  He worked tirelessly for ratification of the constitution after the convention ended.  Mr. Remeliik was Chairman of the influential Commission on Status and Transition which conducted rigorous status negotiations on a draft Compact of Free Association with the United States Government.  He was elected Palau’s first President in November 1980 and was sworn into office in January 1981.  In Palau’s most historic occasion of the twentieth century, President Remeliik, Vice President Oiterong, and members of the Olbiil Era Kelulau were inaugurated on January 31, 1981.

He was the first constitutional President of Palau in 1981 until his assassination on June 30, 1985. President Remeliik is buried at Kloulklubed in his home state of Peleliu.

1st Constitutional Government: January 1st, 1981 to January 1984 

Cabinet Members
Vice President/Minister of State Alfonso R. Oiterong
Minister of Justice Thomas O.Remengesau, Sr.
Minister of Natural Resources Koichi L. Wong
Minister of Education  Health& Social Services David Ramarui
Minister of Administration Haruo N. Wilter 
Chief of Staff Secundina O. Sugiyama

2nd Constitutional Government: January 1984 to June 1985  

Cabinet Members
Vice President/Minister of State Alfonso R. Oiterong
Minister of Natural Resources Koichi L. Wong
Minister of Education Health & Social Services Dr. Minoru F. Ueki
Minister of Administration Haruo N. Willter
Minister of Justice, Thomas O. Remengesau, Sr.
Chief of Staff Secundina O. Sugiyama

1 Dr. Minoru Ueki, served the remaining term of Minister Ramarui after his death.

2 Vice President Oiterong became President after the untimely passing away of President Remeliik in June of  1985.


July 1985 to September 1985

Family:  Alfonso Rebechong Oiterong was born to Oiterong Temrad and Sariang Elwais on October 9, 1924 in Aimeliik.  President Oiterong was married to Josepha Michael Oiterong They had two children namely, Elma and Grace.

Education:  He attended Japanese School in Palau, Vocational School in Japan and received a Bachelor of Education degree from the College of Guam in 1964 and a Master of Education from the University of Guam in 1969.

Career:  Mr. Oiterong worked for the Department of Education under the Naval Administration and then under the Trust Territory Government and worked from 1962 to 1966 as Student     Coordinator assisting students from Micronesia going to school in Guam.  Mr. Oiterong was a member of Palau Congress and the Koror Municipal Council in 1960-1962. He was elected to the 7th Palau Legislature representing the State of Aimeliik.  He was also elected from Aimeliik Municipality to draft the Palau Constitution. In 1981, Mr. Oiterong was elected to serve as      Palau’s first constitutional Vice President, and appointed Minister of State, under Palau’s     Constitution. Mr. Alfonso Oiterong became President of the Republic of Palau through           succession upon the death of President Remeliik on June 30, 1985 until the election of      President Salii on August 28, 1985.  Mr. Alfonso Oiterong also served in numerous boards and commissions the last being Chairman of the 1994 Constitutional Day Committee.  Mr. Oiterong also served as President of the Palau National Development Bank from 1989 until his untimely death on August 30, 1994

Cabinet Members:
Vice President/Minister of State Alfonso R. Oiterong
Minister of Natural Resources Koichi L. Wong
Minister of Education, Health & Social Services Dr. Minoru F. Ueki
Minister of Administration  Haruo N. Willter
Minister of Justice Thomas O. Remengesau, Sr.
Chief of Staff  Secundina O. Sugiyama

Vice President Oiterong became President after the passing away of President Remeliik      during the 2nd Constitutional Government in June of 1985.


September 1985 – August 1988

Family: Lazarus Eitaro Salii was born on November 17, 1936, in Angaur, to the family of Edwardo and Ngkeruker Salii. He was married to Ms. Christina Rengiil Salii. They had four children namely Kathleen, Blanche, Yvette and Scott.

Education: Lazarus E. Salii received his early education during the United States Naval Administration in 1946 at the Angaur Public Elementary School at the age of ten. He continued his education at the then Mindszenty Intermediate School in Koror, graduating in 9th grade. In the fall of 1953, he attended Xavier Minor Seminary as a sophomore. He graduated as the Valedictorian of his class and was one of the three Palauans to first graduate from that school as it became Xavier High School in 1956. In 1957, he went to University of Hawaii graduating in 1961 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science.

Career: In 1956, Mr. Lazarus E. Salii first worked in the Palau District Administration as an Interpreter and translator. He went to college and returned after graduation to work again in the Palau District Administration as Palau Political Affairs Officer and held that position until 1964 and became Secretary of the Palau District Legislature. In 1965, Mr. Salii became one of the first candidates elected from Palau to the House of Representatives of the First Congress of Micronesia. He served as Chairman of the House Committee on Ways & Means in the First Regular Session and as Floor Leader in the Second Regular Session. In 1967, he was appointed Chairman of the Congressional Committee on Future Status of Micronesia, and during the same year he also served as Special Advisor to the United States Delegation to the United Nations Trusteeship Council. In 1968, he was elected from Palau to the Senate of the Congress of Micronesia and was a recipient of the International Visitors Leadership Program of the U.S. State Department. In 1971, he became a Graduate Fellow at the Institute of International Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1973, during the First Regular Session of the Fifth Congress of Micronesia, he was elected as Vice President of the Senate, in addition to serving as Chairman of the Joint Committee on Future Status, a member of the Senate Committee on Resources and Development, and Vice Chairman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Governmental Operations. Mr. Salii, in 1975 was elected from Palau to the first Micronesian Constitutional Convention where he served as a member of both committees on Civil Liberties and Style & Arrangement. In 1978 he served in the cabinet of the Trust Territory High Commissioner as Director of Development Services for the Trust Territory Government. In 1979, Mr. Salii was elected as one of the delegates from Koror State to the first Palau Constitutional Convention becoming Chairman of the Committee on Executive. In 1981, Mr. Salii was appointed by President Haruo Remeliik and confirmed by the Senate of the First Olbiil Era Kelulau, to become the first Ambassador under Palau constitutional government for Trade and Status Negotiations, a position for which he received no public salary. In November 1984, during the national general election, he ran for the only seat in the Senate of the Second Olbiil Era Kelulau for the 6th Senatorial District of Peleliu, Angaur and the Southwest Islands and successfully won. In August 1985 after the death of President Remeliik, a special election was held to fill the vacancy created by the death of President Remeliik. Mr. Salii successfully won the presidential seat to become the second elected President of the Republic of Palau. He served as the second elected President of Palau from September 25, 1985 until his untimely death on August 20, 1988. President Salii was succeeded by Vice President Remengesau Sr. as President for the remainder of his term.

2nd Constitutional Government: September 1985 to August 1988

Cabinet Members:
Vice President/Minister of Justice Thomas O. Remengesau Sr.
Minister of Natural Resources and Development Wilhelm R. Rengiil
Minister of State ohn O. Ngiraked
Minister of Administration Franz Reksid
Minister of Health, Education & Social Services Dr. Nobuo Swei
Chief of Staff Bonifacio Basilius


August 1988 to December 1988

Family: Thomas O. Remengesau, Sr. was born on November 25, 1929, in Ngaraard to Antonio Sinsaku Remengesau Delkuu and Ongelibel Kedelaol Remengesau. He was married to Ferista Esang Remengesau with eigth children, namely, Tommy, Jr., Leon, Mary Frances Ilolang, Victor, Casmir, Thelma, Valerie and Honora.

Education: He was educated in Ngaraard, Koror and Guam, and graduated from the Pacific Islands Teacher Training School in Chuuk. He also received a UN Fellowship to Western Samoa and a bachelor’s degree in public administration at the University of Hawaii.

Career: By February 8, 1970, having given many years of public service to Palau and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Mr. Remengesau was appointed to the position of District Administrator of Palau, the first and only Palauan to ever hold that position. As District Administrator, Mr. Remengesau was the voice of the Palauan people as they debated Palau’s political future, seeking to transition to an independent Palau.

In 1981, shortly after Palau emerged as a new Constitutional Republic, Mr. Remengesau returned home to accept an appointment as Minister of Justice by the first President of the Republic of Palau, the late Haruo I. Remeliik. In 1985, Mr. Remengesau was elected Vice President of the Republic of Palau and served as Minister of Justice under President Lazarus E. Salii.

Following the death of President Salii, Vice-President Remengesau was sworn in as the fourth President of the Republic of Palau on August 20, 1988. His time as President capped more than 30 years of government service.

As Maderngebuked, the highest ranking traditional chief of Ngaraard State, Mr. Remengesau was an active member of the Rubekul Belau (Council of Chiefs), and so continued to serve his community long after concluding his time in elected office until his passing in 2019.

2nd Constitutional Government: August 1988 to December 1988

Cabinet Members:
Vice President/Minister of Justice Thomas O. Remengesau, Sr.
Minister of Natural Resources and Development Mr. Wilhelm R. Rengiil
Minister of State Mr. John O. Ngiraked
Minister of Administration Mr. Franz Reksid
Minister of Education Health & Social Services Dr. Nobuo Swei
Chief of Staff Bonifacio Basilius



January 1989 - January 1993

Family: President Ngiratkel Etpison was born to Kekereldil Techong and Iked Etpison Ibesang on May 3, 1925, in Airai. He was married to Yuang Chin for 42 years, and between them they raised 12 children.

Education: After attending Japanese school on Koror, the Japanese military administration sent Mr. Etpison to Makassar, Indonesia for further training.

Career: While returning to Palau on the Japanese Akita Maru ship during WWII, their ship was shot down five miles off Angaur Island by American planes in 1944. Mr. Etpison was one of three Palauans who survived by swimming to shore. After the war he started his business by making ice candy and electrical power using abandoned military generators and engine parts. In 1947 he found his Ngiratkel Etpison Company (NECO), which today has grown into one of Palau’s largest and most versatile family businesses, and includes real estate, tourism, and construction. Already fluent in Japanese, Mr. Etpison learned English from American Peace Corps volunteers staying at his house. During the U.S. Trust Territory administration of Palau, he served as a Koror State legislator. Mr. Etpison saw the potential for tourism in Palau, and imported tour buses to start the first NECO Tour company in Palau in the 1970s. Together with his friend, Japanese Tokyu Group Chairman, Mr. Goto, he bought up land to develop the Palau Pacific Resort, Palau’s first quality beach resort, which opened in 1984 and set the standard for high-end tourism in Palau. He was the first President of the Palau Chamber of Commerce for over 20 years.

Mr. Etpison became the traditional Chief Rekemesik of Ngatpang State in 1982. He also served as a member and Chairman of the Governor’s Association of Palau, and a member of the Council of Chiefs, as well as Ngatpang State’s Governor from 1982-1988, in which year he also ran for president. He served as Chairman of the Board of the Seventh-day Adventist schools, and became President of Palau from January 1989 to January 1993.

During his presidency he stabilized the unrest in Palau and paved the way for a “yes” vote on the Compact of Free Association with the United States, creating a Council of Joint Leadership in 1989. After the previous six referenda had failed to achieve the 75% needed approval, his 1992 constitutional referendum resulted in the constitution being amended to lower the quorum to a simple majority plus one. A seventh referendum the following year saw the proposal passed and the Compact of Free Association with the United States signed. He ran the country as he ran his businesses and kept the country’s books in the black. After his presidency, Mr. Ngiratkel Etpison served as Special Envoy on Economic Matters to the President from 1996 till his death in 1997.

3rd Constitutional Government: January 1st, 1989 to
December 31, 1992

Cabinet Members:
Vice President/Minister of Justice Kuniwo Nakamura
Minister of Administration Mrs. Sandra Sumang Pierantozzi
Minister of Education William Tabelual
Minister of Natural Resources and Development Regis Akitaya
Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs Dilmei L. Olkeriil
Minister of State Santos Olikong
Minister of Health Dr. Yuji Mesubed
Minister of Commerce and Trade Okada Techitong
Chief of Staff Bonifacio Basilius



January 1993 - January 1997 January 1997 - January 2001

Family: Mr. Kuniwo Nakamura was born on November 24, 1943, to Mr. Zenhitsi Nakamura from Mie Perfecture, Japan, and
Ms. Aliil Betok from Ngercholl, Peleliu State. Kuniwo is the youngest son of five brothers and three sisters. He was married to Elong Ngiratecheboet Nakamura with four children namely Carolyn, Sherry, Jill and Aric.

Education: Mr. Nakamura studied and completed Japanese
primary school in Palau. In 1963, he graduated from Tumon High School in Guam and went on to University of Hawaii and earned a bachelor’s degree of Arts in Economics and Business

Career: Mr. Nakamura began his political career at the age of 28. He became the youngest person to be elected to the Congress of Micronesia. He served as Vice President of the Republic of Palau from January 1989 to January 1993 under President Ngiratkel Etpison. He was first elected President in 1992. He served two terms from 1993 to 1996 and 1997 to 2000.

During President Nakamura’s first term, he was able to conclude Palau’s transition from trusteeship to independence. He signed the Declaration of Independence for the Republic of Palau on October 1, 1994 along with Surangel S. Whipps, Sr., Speaker of the House of Delegates and Peter Sugiyama, President of the Senate. During the first year of his second term, he was awarded the World Peace Price Top Honor for his leadership in bringing independence and increased democracy to the Republic of Palau promoting political stability.

4th Constitutional Government: January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1996

Cabinet Members:
Vice President /Minister of Administration Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr.
Minister of State Andres Uherbelau
Minister of Health Masao Ueda
Minister of Education Reverend Billy G. Kuartei
Minister of Natural Resources and Development Marcelino Melairei
Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs Riosang Salvador
Minister of Commerce and Trade George Ngirarsaol
Minister of Justice Camsek Elias Chin
Chief of Staff Temmy L. Shmull

5th Constitutional Government: January 1997 to December 31st, 2000

Cabinet Members:
Vice President/Minister of Administration Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr.
Minister of State Sabino Anastacio
Minister of Health Masao Ueda
Minister of Education Rev. Billy G. Kuartei
Minister of Natural Resources and Development Marcelino Melairei
Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs Riosang Salvador
Minister of Commerce and Trade Okada Techitong
Minister of Justice Salvador Ingereklii
Chief of Staff Temmy L. Shmull


January 2001 - January 2005 January 2005 - January 2009

Family: President Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr. is the eldest of eight children of President Thomas Remengesau, Sr. and Mrs. Ferista Esang Remengesau. He was born on February 28, 1956. He is married to Mrs. Debbie Mineichi Remengesau with four children namely TJ, Isechal, Lalii and Mayumi.

Education: Mr. Remengesau, Jr. graduated from Maris Stella School in 1970. He attended Xavier High School for 2 years and graduated from Mindszenty High School in 1974. He went on to graduate from Grand Valley State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in Public Administration.

Career: Mr. Remengesau, Jr. began his career as a Legal Researcher at the Federal District Court of Saipan in 1980. In 1981 he returned to Palau and became a District Health Planner at the Palau Bureau of Public Health Services. After a year, he went on to serve the 1st Olbiil Er a Kelulau as a Public Information Officer. In 1984 general election, Mr. Remengesau, Jr at age 28 became the youngest elected senator at the 2nd Olbiil er a Kelulau, representing the then First Senatorial District of Kayangel, Ngarchelong, Ngaraard, Ngiwal, Melekeok, Ngchesar and Airai.

In 1988, he was re-elected senator of the 3rd Olbiil Er a Kelulau. During his two terms from 1984 to 1992, he was the Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee, sponsored the Public Auditors Act, The Palau National Scholarship Act, The Executive Clemency Reform Act, The Palau Visitors Authority Independent Act, The Government Reorganization Act of 1989, The Procurement Reform Act and the Public Accountants Licensing and Certifying Act.

In 1993, Mr. Remengesau, Jr. was elected Vice President (once again, the youngest ever to assume this office) and appointed Minister of Administration. In 1994, he served as Chairman of the Compact of Free Association Transition Committee,
In 1996 to 2000, he was re-elected Vice President and Minister of Administration. He served as the Coordinator of the K-B Bridge Emergency Response and as Chairman of the National Emergency Committee and Chairman of Palau Sports Commission.
In 2001 to 2004, Vice President Remengesau, Jr. was elected President of the Republic of Pa-lau and reelected President from 2005-2008 serving two consecutive terms. From 2009 to 2012, he was elected to the Senate of the 8th Olbiil Era Kelulau for one term. He was elected President of the Republic of Palau from January 2013 to 2016, serving his third term of Presidency. Again in 2016 he was re-elected as President of the Republic of Palau for his fourth and second two consecutive terms, breaking history in Palau for the longest serving President for 16 years and more than 30 years of public service.


January 2009 to January 2013

Family: Mr. Johnson Toribiong was born on July 22, 1945 to Toribiong Uchel and Ucheliei Toribiong. He is the eldest child with siblings Francis, Lucius, Deborah, Joel, Rodeian and Nanumi. He is married to Mrs. Valeria Andres Toribiong with 2 children namely Sonia and Rolel.

Education: Mr. Toribiong graduated Valedictorian at Palau Mission Academy. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science with a minor in Economics at the University of Colorado in 1969. He also graduated with Juris Doctor in 1972 at the University of Washington Law School. He was also Certified from National College of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Public Defenders, Trial Practice Seminar.

BAR MEMBERSHIP: Washington State (1973- 2013) Guam CNMI FSM and Palau

Career: Mr. Toribiong began his career as an Administrative Assistant at the Marianas District Land Commission. From 1973 to 1981 he served in many public service in Micronesia and a partner in legal services such as Trapp & Gayle Law Firm in Guam, a partner in Guerrero, Coughlin and Toribiong Law Firm in Guam, Legislative Counsel for Fifth Palau District Legislature, Legislative Counsel for Yap District Legislature, Trust Territory Assistant Public Defender, Palau Delegate to the Micronesian Constitutional Convention in Saipan, Floor Leader of the Sixth Palau District Legislature, Legal Counsel to the Palau Future Political Status Commission (Compact of Free Association between USA and Palau), Chairman of the Palau Public Lands Authority, Vice President of the Palau Constitutional Convention which drafted the Palau Constitution. Mr. Toribiong also served as the first Floor Leader of the Senate of the First Olbiil Era Kelulau (1st Palau National Congress). In 1981 to 2009, he was a partner in Toribiong & Coughlin Law Firm, Koror, Republic of Palau, and Sole Practitioner since July 1999, He was a member of the Board of Regents of the College of Micronesia, a member of the Commission on the Future US-Palau Relations. Mr. Toribiong also served as Chief Ngiraked of Airai State. He was appointed Palau Land Court Mediator’s Instructor. He was also appointed and served as Special Judge Pro Tem for Yap State Court, FSM. He served as a member of the Palau National Judicial Nominating Commission. He resigned on February 27, 2008 for running to become President of Palau. From April 2001 to March 2005 he was President of the Chamber of Commerce. From 2001 to 2009 he served as Palau Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of China-Taiwan.
Mr. Toribiong was a Land Court Part-Time Judge from 2001 to 2008 and resigned in February 27, 2008, running as Presidential Candidate.

Mr. Toribiong is a baseball player and was President of Belau Baseball Federation. He was the 1st Vice-President of the Baseball Confederation of Oceania from 2005-2009. He also served as President of the 2nd Palau Constitutional Convention from May 17 – July 16, 2005. He was also Chairman, Palau of the Seventh Day Adventist Schools. Mr. Toribiong served as the 10th President of the Republic of Palau from January 2009 to January 17, 2013. Today, his still practicing law and has his own Toribiong Law Firm in Palau.

8th Constitutional Government: January 15, 2009 to January 15, 2013:
Cabinet Members:
Vice President/Minister of Finance Kerai Mariur
Minister of State Sandra Sumang Pierantozzi
Minister of State Victor Yano MD
Minister of Justice John C. Gibbons
Minister of Health Stevenson Kuartei MD
Minister of Education Masa-Aki Emesiochel
Minister of Public Infrastructure, Industries and Commerce Jackson R. Ngiraingas
Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism Harry R. Fritz
Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs Faustina R. Marugg
Chief of Staff Isaac Soaladaob

Constitutional Amendments impacts on the Eight Constitutional Government

There were two amendments to the Palau Constitution that affected the Eight Constitutional Government for the first and last time. The two amendments to Article VIII, Section 4 made changes to the election formation of President and Vice President running for the Executive office. The first amendment to Article VIII, Section 4 was enacted on November 6, 2004.

Thus, establishing Toribiong and Mariur chosen jointly at the nationwide election in November
2008 to the Eight Constitutional Government. Thereafter, during their term an amendment to the same Article VIII, Section 4 was enacted on November 19, 2009.

Thus, affecting the President and Vice President to not be chosen jointly in nationwide election.



January 2013 – January 2017 January 2017 – January 2021

President Tommy Esang Remengesau, Jr., the ninth President of the Republic of Palau, is the first Palauan to be elected President four times. He was first elected President in 2000 and was re- elected in 2004. Constitutionally limited to two consecutive presidential terms, Remengesau was elected in 2008 as Senator in the Palau National Congress (Olbiil Era Kelulau), where he served and ran for until his election as President again in 2012, followed by re-election in 2016 to his fourth and present term.

His election as President again in 2016 is a mark of his vitality and commitment to his promise to the People of Palau to work hard to “preserve the best, improve the rest” for Palau, today and for generations to come. During his time in public office, Palau has been recognized for its financial stability and good governance. Remengesau has also amplified Palau’s international leadership and emphasized the importance of regional and global partnerships.

In 2013, President Remengesau, was the recipient of the inaugural Pacific Champion Award, an honor bestowed as part of the Pacific Islands Environmental Leadership Awards for his numerous achievements as a leader in nature conservation and environmental sustainability. In 2014, the United Nations Environmental Programme, the primary voice for the environment in the United Nations system, awarded Remengesau with its top accolade – The Champion of the Earth award for his visionary leadership in strengthening Palau’s economic resilience by spearheading national initiatives to protect its biodiversity. Also, in 2014, the environmental organization Rare presented Remengesau with its first Inspiring Conservation Award for his innovative and inspiring work to preserve Palau’s marine resources. In 2007, TIME magazine named him one of the Heroes of the Environment for initiatives such as the Micronesia Challenge. President Remengesau is now leading the historic effort of implementing the Palau National Marine Sanctuary. This protected, no-take sanctuary, established October 28, 2015 and covering 80% of Palau’s territorial waters with the remaining 20% reserved for domestic fishing, provides even greater protection for Palau’s environment while further enhancing Palau’s tourism revenues. The world’s sixth largest, fully protected marine area, the Palau National Marine Sanctuary is Palau’s defining contribution to preserving the world’s ocean resources. This novel initiative garnered him the prestigious International Game Fish Association’s IGFA Conservation Award in 2014 and the 2016 Peter Benchley Ocean Award for Excellence in National Stewardship.

Remengesau began his political career as the youngest Senator ever elected to the Olbiil Era Kelulau at the age of 28. During his first Senate term, he served as Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means and was instrumental in helping to erase Palau’s outstanding budget deficit and bringing about stability and credibility to government.

In 1992, Remengesau was elected Vice President of Palau, the youngest Palauan ever to serve as Vice President. He was re-elected as Vice President in 1996. As Vice President, he concurrently held the position of Minister of Administration (now Finance), helping the Republic gain membership in the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group. He also helped lead Palau’s transition to an independent country in 1994.

President Remengesau was born in Koror, Palau. The eldest of eight children born to Mr. Thomas Remengesau, Sr., and Mrs. Ferista Esang Remengesau, “Tommy” has followed his father’s distinguished career, which included 12 years as Palau’s first District Administrator, the Minister of Justice, Vice President and President. President Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr., and his wife Debbie have four children and six grandchildren.

9th Constitutional Governments

Cabinet Members:
Vice President and Minister of Justice Antonio Bells
Minister of Community & Cultural Affairs Baklai Temengil
Minister of Education Sinton Soalablai
Minister of Finance Elbuchel Sadang
Minister of Health Greg Ngirmang
Minister of Natural Resources, Enviroment & Tourism F. Umiich Sengebau
Minister of Public Infrastructure Industries, & Commerce Charles Obichang
Minister of State Rev. Billy G. Kuartei
Chief of Staff Secilil Eldebechel

10th Constitutional Government

Cabinet Members:
Vice President and Minister of Justice Raynold Oilouch
Minister of Community & Cultural Affairs Baklai Temengil
Minister of Education Sinton Soalablai
Minister of Finance Elbuchel Sadang
Minister of Health Dr. Emais Robert
Minister of Natural Resources, Environment & Tourism F. UmiichSengebau
Minister of Public Infrastructure Industries & Commerce Charles Obichang
Minister of State Faustina K. Rehuher-Marugg
Chief of Staff Secilil Eldebechel